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Futomaki Sushi

Futomaki Sushi is a type of sushi roll that is popular in Japan. It is typically made with a variety of vegetables and seafood, such as cucumber, avocado, crab meat, and shrimp, rolled into a large seaweed nori sheet. It is usually served in large slices and is often cut into smaller pieces before being served. The flavors of Futomaki Sushi are usually quite bold, with a sweet and savory combination that can be quite pleasing to the palate. It is a great dish to enjoy as part of a larger sushi spread, or as a meal in itself.

Ingredients (2 Persons)

  • 4 cups cooked sushi rice
  • 2 nori seaweed sheets
  • 1/4 cucumber, julienned
  • 1/4 avocado, julienned
  • 1/4 carrot, julienned
  • 2 tablespoons pickled radish
  • 2 tablespoons pickled ginger


  • Step 1
    Lay a sheet of nori on a sushi rolling mat. Wet your hands and spread 2 cups of cooked rice over the nori.
  • Step 2
    Arrange the julienned vegetables and pickled radish in a line on the edge closest to you.
  • Step 3
    Using the mat, roll the nori away from you and press firmly to shape it into a cylinder.
  • Step 4
    Repeat with the remaining ingredients to make a second futomaki roll.
  • Step 5
    Cut each roll into 8 equal pieces and serve with soy sauce and wasabi, if desired.


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